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Download length from track makes app to freeze SwiftUI

I've been searching for a method how to display track length from URL that is stored on the server. I found this method in Swift: AVPlayer - How to get length of mp3 file from URL? working fine:

let item = AVPlayerItem(url: url)
let duration = Double(item.asset.duration.value) / Double(item.asset.duration.timescale)

Here's the problem: this peace of code completely freezes the app when I navigate to views where it shows. How can I fix this problem?

Adding the function:

func getDuration(url: URL) -> Double {
    let item = AVPlayerItem(url: url)
    let duration = Double(item.asset.duration.value) / Double(item.asset.duration.timescale)
    return duration

Text itself:

                        Text(String(audioManager.getDuration(url: URL(string: "" + (data.linkSoung ?? "abob"))!)))
                            .font(.custom("Manrope-Medium", size: 12))


  • Those lines certainly shouldn't be called on UI thread and it is certain to cause unresponsive interface.

    You should to the following:

    • add @State variable called e.g. duration
    • bind the Text to that variable
    • calculate the duration on non-UI thread with dispatching (where to call this code is unclear from your code, but you would probably use onAppear)
    • assign calculated value to duration on UI thread (again by using main dispatcher)