Let's say I have a table listing employee names, certain performance aspects and scores, something like:
Name | Measure | Score
Alice| A | 10
Alice| B | 5
Alice| C | 7
Bob | A | 8
Bob | B | 5
Bob | C | 4
Carol| A | 6
Carol| B | 8
Carol| C | 7
This data is presented in a simple stacked column chart:
What I would like to do, is to find a way to hide all but one the x-axis legends (Name - Alice, Bob, Carol) depending on which name is selected from the slicer above.
So say Alice is selected, only her name would be displayed, the other columns would still be there but without their corresponding names, something like:
Selecting Bob would hide the other two names etc.
Any help would be appreciated
Here you go.
You need to create 3 additional columns as follows.
My code for these is:
Alice =
'Table'[Name] = "Alice", "Alice",
'Table'[Name] = "Bob", UNICHAR(8203),
'Table'[Name] = "Carol", REPT( UNICHAR(8203), 2),
Bob =
'Table'[Name] = "Alice", UNICHAR(8203),
'Table'[Name] = "Bob", "Bob",
'Table'[Name] = "Carol", REPT( UNICHAR(8203), 2),
Carol =
'Table'[Name] = "Alice", REPT( UNICHAR(8203), 2),
'Table'[Name] = "Bob", UNICHAR(8203),
'Table'[Name] = "Carol", "Carol",
Insert a new field parameter as follows.
Create your chart as follows.