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Why is `jq` trying to `add` to an object in a variable assignment?

Given the following pipeline of expressions:

echo '{"foo": 1}' | jq '.foo + 2 as $bar | {$bar}'

I would expect the output:

  "bar": 3

What I get is:

jq: error (at <stdin>:1): number (1) and object ({"bar":2}) cannot be added

What is this object and why is jq trying to add to it?

I can resolve this issue with parentheses but I'm still unclear as to what was happening in the original statement:

echo '{"foo": 1}' | jq '(.foo + 2) as $bar | {$bar}' 
  "bar": 3


  • Your first filter was executed as if it had been parenthesized like this

    echo '{"foo": 1}' | jq '.foo + (2 as $bar | {$bar})'

    Thus, jq tried to add a number (here 1) to an object (here {"bar":2}).

    This is because the syntax for a variable binding, as noted in the manual's corresponding section, takes on the form ... as $identifier | .... It "includes" the pipe and the following expression. This is reflected by the fact that a binding without the following pipe and expression cannot stand alone.