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Store results of nested for loop as single concatenated string

I'm trying to store the values of the function below to a single string that I can input into a query leveraging an F-string. The output looks correct but is really just a few separated print statements.

How can I store the output of the below to a single string?

import pandas as pd
view_dict = [{'id':'168058','viewtime_min':'2023-01-26 21:00:59.435 -0600','viewtime_max':'2023-01-26 21:59:59.435 -0600'},
                 {'id':'167268','viewtime_min':'2023-01-26 21:59:59.435 -0600','viewtime_max':'2023-01-26 21:59:59.435 -0600'},
                 {'id':'167268','viewtime_min':'2023-01-26 21:59:59.435 -0600','viewtime_max':'2023-01-26 21:59:59.435 -0600'}] 

def get_where_clause(view_dictionary: dict):
    where_clause = " "
    for index in range(len(view_dictionary)): 
        if index != max(range(len(view_dictionary))):
            print(f'''( = {view_dictionary[index]['id']}
                and b.viewed_at between coalesce({view_dictionary[index]['viewtime_min']},published_at) and {view_dictionary[index]['viewtime_max']})
            print(f'''( = {view_dictionary[index]['id']}
                and b.viewed_at between coalesce({view_dictionary[index]['viewtime_min']},published_at) and {view_dictionary[index]['viewtime_max']})''')

x = get_where_clause(view_dict)


I'm expecting this to store to a value but when accessing the value nothing is stored.


  • You aren't actually returning or storing anything, print simply writes to the console. Ideally, you'd collect these into something like a list to be returned, which you can then use str.join to concatenate:

    view_dict = [{'id':'168058','viewtime_min':'2023-01-26 21:00:59.435 -0600','viewtime_max':'2023-01-26 21:59:59.435 -0600'},
                     {'id':'167268','viewtime_min':'2023-01-26 21:59:59.435 -0600','viewtime_max':'2023-01-26 21:59:59.435 -0600'},
                     {'id':'167268','viewtime_min':'2023-01-26 21:59:59.435 -0600','viewtime_max':'2023-01-26 21:59:59.435 -0600'}] 
    def get_where_clause(view_dictionary: dict):
        # I've changed this to a list
        where_clause = []
        for index in range(len(view_dictionary)): 
            if index != max(range(len(view_dictionary))):
                where_clause.append(f'''( = {view_dictionary[index]['id']}
                    and b.viewed_at between coalesce({view_dictionary[index]['viewtime_min']},published_at) and {view_dictionary[index]['viewtime_max']})
                where_clause.append(f'''( = {view_dictionary[index]['id']}
                    and b.viewed_at between coalesce({view_dictionary[index]['viewtime_min']},published_at) and {view_dictionary[index]['viewtime_max']})''')
        # join together here
        return ' '.join(where_clause)
    x = get_where_clause(view_dict)

    I know it isn't asked for, but this could be cleaned up a little more with some basic iteration techniques:

    def get_where_clause(view_dictionary: list):
        # I've changed this to a list
        where_clause = []
        # grab the last element and iterate over a slice
        # rather than checking an index
        last = view_dictionary[-1]
        # iterate over the views directly, don't use an index
        for item in view_dictionary[:-1]:
            where_clause.append(f'''( = {item['id']}
                    and b.viewed_at between coalesce({item['viewtime_min']},published_at) and {item['viewtime_max']})
         where_clause.append(f'''( = {last['id']}
                    and b.viewed_at between coalesce({last['viewtime_min']},published_at) and {last['viewtime_max']})''')
        # join together here
        return ' '.join(where_clause)

    And to simplify formatting, you can indent a single string by using parentheses:

        for item in view_dictionary:
                f"( = {item['id']} "
                "and b.viewed_at between "
                f"coalesce({item['viewtime_min']},published_at) "
                f"and {item['viewtime_max']})"
        # rather than checking for first/last, you can join on
        # 'or' 
        return ' or '.join(where_clause)