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Problem When Deploying Sveltekit Project to Vercel

So I Was trying to deploy my Sveltekit app with Vercel but this happened:

Cloning completed: 221.226ms
Previous build cache not available
Using prebuilt build artifacts...
Error: Config file was not found at "/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/config.json"
at P8 (/var/task/sandbox.js:315:2645)

My svelte.config.js file:

import vercel from '@sveltejs/adapter-vercel'

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
kit: {
    adapter: vercel()

export default config;

As you can see I do have the adapter for Vercel imported and in use. So what is the Problem Here? I can figure it out

My build command is: pnpm run build My output directory is: .svelte-kit My install command is: pnpm install


  • Your output directory should be left blank (or set to .), not .svelte-kit — that's a place for SvelteKit to do its work, it's of no concern to Vercel.