I want to transform the colorspace of a .TIFF file from RGB to lαβ in R. There is base package grDevices
which allows you to change the colorspace using the function convertColor
. This doesn't have any option for lαβ.
If there are any existing functions or libraries it'll be very helpful.
I tried the following approach, but it has different lαβ tables for each of the three colors, i.e., Red, Green, and Blue:
HCC1_lab_r <- rgb_to_lab(HCC1[,,1], transformation = "sRGB")
here's the link to the image I'm trying to convert.
You can use the colorspace package to do such a conversion, as follows:
rgbcol <- RGB(1, 0, 0)
as(rgbcol, "LAB")
For the updated question:
# get a tiff image as a RGBA array
Rlogo <- system.file("img", "Rlogo.tiff", package = "tiff")
img <- readTIFF(Rlogo)
# remove the fourth channel (A - the transparency)
img <- img[, , -4]
# convert the `img` array to LAB
img <-
apply(img, 1:2, function(rgb) as(RGB(rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3]), "LAB")@coords)
# restore the order of the dimensions
img <- aperm(img, c(2, 3, 1))