I'm currently creating a PUT request for my backend API to allow users to add restaurants to a dataset. Currently, in the dataset, the lat and lng of the restaurant is under geometry > location. Im unsure how I would specify this in the backend API.
Here is what I have for the backend API so far:
@app.route("/api/v1.0/restaurant", methods = ["POST"])
def add_new_restaurant():
if "restaurant" in request.form and "city" in request.form:
new_restaurant = {
"restaurant": request.form["restaurant"],
"city": request.form["city"],
"reviews": []
new_restaurant_id = restaurants.insert_one(new_restaurant)
new_restaurant_link = "http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/restaurants/" \ + str(new_restaurant_id.inserted_id)
return make_response( jsonify( { "url" : new_restaurant_link } ), 201 )
It's a nested object so you can insert it as such. You can represent it in a dict with a geometry
key that maps to a dict
value, which has a location
key that maps to another dict that specifies that lat/long.
new_restaurant = {
"restaurant": request.form["restaurant"],
"city": request.form["city"],
"reviews": [],
"geometry": {
"location": {
"lat": LAT_VALUE,
"long": LONG_VALUE