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Reshape dataframe from long to wide

my df:

d = {'project_id': [19,20,19,20,19,20], 
     'task_id': [11,22,11,22,11,22], 
     "task": ["task_1","task_1","task_1","task_1","task_1","task_1"], 
     "username": ["tom","jery","tom","jery","tom","jery"],
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) 

So my df, is long format, in some duplicate and only image_id is unique. I trying pivot my df, with pd.pivot and pd.merge reshape to wide format by username.
My code:

pd.pivot(df, index=['task','frame','image_id'], columns = 'username', values='label')

My output:

I expected(or want to reach):

So, as you see, I don't really need image_id in my output. Just summary, which user use tag per frame.


  • You can add a groupby.first after the pivot:

    (pd.pivot(df, index=['task','frame','image_id'],
              columns='username', values='label')

    Or use pivot_table with aggfunc='first':

    pd.pivot_table(df, index=['task','frame'],
                   columns='username', values='label',


    username      jery   tom
    task   frame            
    task_1 0       foo   foo
           8       xyz  None
           9      None   bar
           11      bar   bar