I am writing a wasm module.
So the code is:
(func (export "someCheck")
(param $n f64)
(result i32)
local.get $n
f64.const 2
This is a simple module that returns the result of $n being equal to 2. If $n is 2 then return 1, otherwise return 0. Here everything is clear to me.
Here is a similar function written in JavaScript:
const someCheck = (n) => Number(n === 2)
But how do I make a conditional return?
Like this, but in wasm:
const someCheck = (n) => {
if (Number(n === 2))
return 1;
// other logic
return someRez;
NOTE I think someone might need this table. She helps me a lot. Especially stack hints
WebAssembly has the concept of if
control structures.