I have a data-farme which looks like:
yyyymm A_growth B_growth
201911 NaN NaN
201912 -1.0 -3.0
202001 14.0 20.0
202002 7.0 9.0
202003 -2.0 -14.0
202004 -44.0 -44.0
202005 20.0 6.0
202006 24.0 27.0
202007 -7.0 -1.0
I want to directly export it to power point at bottom right of slide as a small table.
One way is to create table
and then use for loops to fill each cell in the table which is time consuming.
How can I use python-pptx
module to directly export this table to power point.?
I am using blank_slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[6]
layout 6.
You can use the add_table()
(see docs)
df = pd.DataFrame({'hi': [1, 2, 3], 'there': ['a', 'b', 'c']})
x, y, cx, cy = Inches(2), Inches(2), Inches(4), Inches(1.5)
shape = slide.shapes.add_table(3, 3, x, y, cx, cy)
table = shape.table
cell = table.cell(1, 2)
cell.text = str(df.iloc[1][2])