I have a Google Sheets "sort" formula that I want to convert into an app script equivalent so that I can apply the sorting to a set of rows whenever I click a button on the page. The difficult part is that the sort formula has an embedded VLOOKUP that is used to convert a string column into a number. Here is the formula:
The sort creates the output perfectly, but it does not affect the source rows. I would like the script to reorder the source rows exactly as the sort formula does. How can I accomplish this?
Name | Task | Type | Frequency | Room |
Joe | Task 1 | Routine | Weekly | 203a |
Jane | Task 2 | Security | Daily | 102 |
I have tried the usual Google searches for relevant results. The closest I could come was this:
{column: 6, ascending: true},
{column: 1, ascending: true},
{column: 2, ascending: true},
{column: 5, ascending: true},
{column: 3, ascending: true}]);`
It sorts the columns, but uses only the exact values in the columns. I need my sort script to reference a lookup value first.
The VLOOKUP formula converts the text of "frequency" to a number with a key-value pair.
Frequency | Days |
Daily | 0 |
Weekly | 7 |
Biweekly | 14 |
Monthly | 30 |
The source rows have the word in the cell, but we need to sort by the numeric value rather than alphabetically. The data rows are all text. The sort formula uses column I, then D, then the numeric value from the VLOOPUP, then H, then finally column G. The VLOOKP sorts to daily, weekly, biweekly, then monthly instead of biweekly, daily, monthly, then weekly alphabetically. All other columns are just sorted alphabetically.
How would the formula be done using apps script?
Thanks for being awesome!
You have a SORT problem. Your data includes a "Frequency" text field which does not sort reliably. So you have a table that matches each text values with a number of "Days" value.
Data on TabB is filtered and copied from raw data on TabA. You want to sort both TabA and TabB using the same sort logic.
function because the formula can be written to include VLOOKUP
(finding the "days" value for the respective "Frequency")The following script takes the TabA data as an array:
to add an element to the array for the "Days" valuesetValues
to update the TabA data range with the sorted array.function sortData() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
// TabA contains raw data
var tabA = ss.getSheetByName("TabA")
var tabALR = tabA.getLastRow()
// assume headers in row 1
// assume 5 columns of data
// assume "Frequency" is in Column D (Column 4)
var tabARange = tabA.getRange(2,1,tabALR-1,5)
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the data range = "+tabARange.getA1Notation())
var tabAValues = tabARange.getValues()
// Logger.log(tabAValues) // DEBUG
// Sheet="Frequency" contains matching integer value for text values
var freq = ss.getSheetByName("Frequency")
// get the last row of Frequence data; assume that this sheet contains other data
var Avals = freq.getRange("A1:A").getValues()
var ALastRow = Avals.filter(String).length
// note assumes header in row 1
var freqValues = freq.getRange(2,1,ALastRow-1,2).getValues()
// Logger.log(freqValues) // DEBUG
// use indexOf to find the matching string value; the integer value will be in the adjacent column
// assume the string "Frequency" is in Column D (zero-based= Column 3) of the data sheet
// push the "Days" integer value onto the data array - this will be used for sorting
for (var i=0;i<tabAValues.length;i++){
var freqIdx = freqValues.map(r => r[0]).indexOf(tabAValues[i][3])
var freqValue = freqValues[freqIdx][1]
// Logger.log("DEBUG: freqIdx = "+freqIdx+", Frequency: "+tabAValues[i][3]+", number value = "+freqValues[freqIdx][1])
// push the integer value onto the data array - this will be used for sorting
// sort the array
var sortSeq = [6,1,2,5,3]
for (var s = 0;s<sortSeq.length;s++){}
var xp = x[s];
var yp = y[s];
return xp == yp ? 0 : xp < yp ? -1 : 1;
// make a copy of the updated data array
var sortArray = new Array
sortArray = tabAValues
// delete the "Days" value from the array
// returns the array
for (p=0;p<tabAValues.length;p++){
// update the data on TabA for the sorted values