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MAUI Handler Xaml to Platform Connection

I am using the handler feature of MAUI, but the methods in the platform specific classes are not being called.

This is the click event for the xaml page:

private void ActivateCamera(object sender, EventArgs e)

This are the Interface and the View classes:

public interface ICameraView : IView
    void MakePhoto();

public class CameraView : View, ICameraView
    CameraViewHandler StrongHandler => Handler as CameraViewHandler;

    public void MakePhoto() => StrongHandler?.Invoke(nameof(MakePhoto), null);

This is the Handler:

public class CameraViewHandler : ViewHandler<ICameraView, NativePlatformCameraPreviewView>

    public static CommandMapper<ICameraView, CameraViewHandler> CameraCommandMapper = new()
        [nameof(ICameraView.MakePhoto)] = MapMakePhoto

    public static void MapMakePhoto(CameraViewHandler handler, ICameraView cameraView, object? parameter) 
        => handler.TakePhoto();

    public void TakePhoto() => _cameraController?.TakePicture();
     // The TakePicture method is implemented in the iOS and android files, but as said, is not being executed

I have this in MauiProgramm:

handlers.AddHandler(typeof(CameraView), typeof(CameraViewHandler));

Can someone see why this is not working?


  • Did you check the official document about creating a custom control using handlers? The mapped method should in the platform custom handler class.

    So CameraViewHandler.cs should be such as:

    public partial class CameraViewHandler : ViewHandler<ICameraView, NativePlatformCameraPreviewView>
        public static CommandMapper<ICameraView, CameraViewHandler> CameraCommandMapper = new()
            [nameof(ICameraView.MakePhoto)] = MapMakePhoto

    And the MapMakePhoto method in the CameraViewHandler.Android.cs:

     public static void MapMakePhoto(CameraViewHandler handler, ICameraView cameraView)

    For more information, you can refer to the official sample on the github about the handlers.


    Don't forget the construction method of the handler:

    public CameraViewHandler() : base(CameraViewMapper, CameraCommandMapper) { }