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Not working in prettier formatting using monaco editor

I'm trying to make an IDE that works in the browser using the Monaco editor. I wanted to use Prettier for a nice formatting. It only works for Javascript files or only html files. However, it does not work on files of the types I have specified below. How can I fix.

Expected : enter image description here

Result : enter image description here

Also i am getting this error : enter image description here

    monaco.languages.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider("javascript", {
            async provideDocumentFormattingEdits(model) {
                var text1 = prettier.format(model.getValue(), {
                    wrapAttributes: "force",
                    parser: "babel",
                    // plugins: [babel],
                    htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: "ignore",
                    arrowParens: "always",
                    bracketSpacing: true,
                    endOfLine: "lf",
                    insertPragma: false,
                    singleAttributePerLine: false,
                    bracketSameLine: false,
                    printWidth: 400,
                    proseWrap: "preserve",
                    quoteProps: "as-needed",
                    requirePragma: false,
                    semi: true,
                    singleQuote: true,
                    tabWidth: 4,
                    //trailingComma: 'es5',
                    useTabs: false,
                    vueIndentScriptAndStyle: false,


                return [
                        range: model.getFullModelRange(),
                        text: text1,
 monaco_scr_editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("browserIDE"), {
            value: ["<html>Please Wait Loading</html>"].join("\n"),
            language: "javascript",
            theme: "vs-dark",
            wrappingColumn: 0,
            autoIndent: true,
            formatOnPaste: true,
            formatOnType: true,
            wrappingIndent: "indent",
            wordWrap: "off",
            automaticLayout: true,
            overviewRulerLanes: 1,
            overviewRulerBorder: true,
            minimap: { enabled: false },


  • It seems like designed to use pre-defined formatter.
    Please refer this issue : Disable default formatters. I tested code as below(from a thread),

       documentFormattingEdits: false,
       documentRangeFormattingEdits: false,

    This will work for you.
    But you still get error relate with prettier.
    Refer this issue :

    Before doing this, install this to make easy import parser list from node_module.

    npm install @types/prettier

    and then import it.

    import * as prettier from  'prettier/standalone'
    import * as parserHtml from 'prettier/parser-html'
    prettier.format(model.getValue(), {
                    parser: "html",
                    plugins: [parserHtml],