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Evaluate[] seems to not work inside Button[]

Any idea how to get this to work?

y = {}; Table[Button[x, AppendTo[y, Evaluate[x]]], {x, 5}]

Result: Click [1] , click [2], get {6,6}

I'm trivializing the actual task, but the goal is to set what a button does inside a Map or a Table or ParallelTable.

Please Help!

Figured it out... Evaluate works at first level only. Here, it's too deep. So I used ReplaceRule:

Remove[sub]; y = {}; Table[Button[x, AppendTo[y, sub]] /. sub -> x, {x, 5}]


  • Replacement rules and pure functions offer concise alternatives to With. For example:

    y={}; Range[5] /. x_Integer :> Button[x, AppendTo[y, x]]


    y = {}; Replace[Range[5], x_ :> Button[x, AppendTo[y, x]], {1}]


    y = {}; Array[Button[#, AppendTo[y, #]] &, {5}]


    y = {}; Button[#, AppendTo[y, #]] & /@ Range[5]

    For another example comparing these techniques, see my post here, where they are applied to a problem of creating a list of pure functions with parameter embedded in their body (closures).