I want to remove Exceptions below, But Don't know how to
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFADD50CD29 in TestProject.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: unsigned long at memory location 0x0000005C0A3AD420.
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFADD50CD29 in TestProject.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: unsigned long at memory location 0x0000005C0A3AE540.
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFADD50CD29 in TestProject.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: int at memory location 0x0000005C0A3AE2DC.
It's just an empty project
These exceptions are caused by a third-party software Fasoo DRM. It injects its code into your app. As Google says, Fasoo Enterprise DRM - Persistent Threat Protection, perhaps is some kind of antivirus software. Uninstall or disable it.