I would like to write a query for the graph below, which should return three lists, each list containing all persons working for the same person.
Given the graph below, the result should be this three lists:
I fail to write such query. My query returns all employes in one list.
The following statements create the graph model for the example I have given:
CREATE (p1:Parent:Example {id: 1, name: 'Andy', title: 'Developer'});
CREATE (p2:Parent:Example {id: 2, name: 'Lila', title: 'Developer'});
CREATE (p3:Parent:Example {id: 3, name: 'Lula', title: 'Developer'});
CREATE (c11:Child:Example {id: 11, name: 'Peter', title: 'Developer'});
CREATE (c12:Child:Example {id: 12, name: 'Susy', title: 'Developer'});
CREATE (c21:Child:Example {id: 21, name: 'Fritz', title: 'Developer'});
CREATE (c31:Child:Example {id: 31, name: 'Pepe', title: 'Developer'});
MATCH (p {id: 1}), (c {id: 11}) MERGE (p)<-[:WORKS_FOR]-(c);
MATCH (p {id: 1}), (c {id: 12}) MERGE (p)<-[:WORKS_FOR]-(c);
MATCH (p {id: 2}), (c {id: 21}) MERGE (p)<-[:WORKS_FOR]-(c);
MATCH (p {id: 3}), (c {id: 31}) MERGE (p)<-[:WORKS_FOR]-(c);
It's relatively straightforward with Cypher
MATCH (c)-[:WORKS_FOR]->(p)
RETURN p.name AS boss, collect(c.name) AS coWorkers
│"boss"│"coWorkers" │
│"Lila"│["Fritz"] │
│"Lula"│["Pepe"] │
The trick is understanding aggregations https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-manual/current/functions/aggregating/#grouping-keys