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Initialize by name - C# Records?

I'm having trouble understanding how to initialize a C# record using named parameters.. This obviously works with more traditional classes with get; set; (or init) properties. Am I missing some special syntax? The reason it matters is that I prefer this kind of initialization to make the code more readable. Thank you

public record Person(string Name, int Age, double Income); 

//this does not work
var p = new Person { Name = "Tim", Age = 40, Income = 55 };

Error Message


  • What you're doing won't work because under-the-hood, a three-parameter constructor is generated. Record syntax is just syntactic sugar, and it gets lowered into a normal class with some equality contracts.

    What you want to do would require a parameterless constructor.

    You have two options, use the constructor with named parameters:

    var p = new Person( Name: "Tim", Age: 40, Income: 55);

    Or flesh out your record a bit to add a parameterless constructor:

    public record Person
        public Person(string name, int age, double income)
            Name = name;
            Age = age;
            Income = income;
        public Person() {}
        public string Name { get; init; }
        public int Age { get; init; }
        public double Income { get; init; }

    You can do this and keep the parameter list using a : this() on the constructor, but I find this is just confusing.

    If you declare the record as I have, you can use:

    var p = new Person { Name = "Tim", Age = 40, Income = 55 };