I'm trying to create all defined virtual_networks in all defined resource_groups.
So the variables looks like this:
inputs = {
virtual_networks = {
"test-net1": {
address_space = [""]
"test-net2": {
address_space = [""]
resource_groups = {
"group1": {
location = "West Europe"
"group2": {
location = "East Europe"
The resource block looks something like this:
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "virtual_network" {
for_each = var.resource_groups
name = <FIRST KEY OF var.virtual_networks>
resource_group_name = each.key
location = each.value["location"]
address_space = <ADDRESS_SPACE VALUE OF FIRST NETWORK FROM var.virtual_networks>
I tried many different ways transforming/restructuring/merging the maps from the variables so i can iterate over them in a better way for this use-case. However i just could not find the right structure and how to build it.
I built the following local variable to help solving this. However i was not able to structure the map in a way so i can loop over it in a single resource block.
locals = {
resource_groups = {
for key, resource_groups in var.resource_groups : "${key}" =>
group1 = {
location = "West Europe"
test-net1 = {
address_space = [
test-net2 = {
address_space = [
group2 = {
location = "West Europe"
test-net1 = {
address_space = [
test-net2 = {
address_space = [
As far as i understand, you want to created a neseted loop over two dictionaries. You cloud structure your local like this :
locals {
resource_groups = distinct(flatten([
for k1, rg in var.resource_groups : [
for k2, vn in var.virtual_networks : {
group = merge({name = "${k1}"}, rg )
network = merge({name = "${k2}"}, vn )
The output would result in:
Changes to Outputs:
+ test = [
+ {
+ group = {
+ location = "West Europe"
+ name = "group1"
+ network = {
+ address_space = [
+ "",
+ name = "test-net1"
+ {
+ group = {
+ location = "West Europe"
+ name = "group1"
+ network = {
+ address_space = [
+ "",
+ name = "test-net2"
+ {
+ group = {
+ location = "East Europe"
+ name = "group2"
+ network = {
+ address_space = [
+ "",
+ name = "test-net1"
+ {
+ group = {
+ location = "East Europe"
+ name = "group2"
+ network = {
+ address_space = [
+ "",
+ name = "test-net2"
And your resource would look like this:
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "virtual_network" {
for_each = {for obj in local.resource_groups : "${obj.group.name}_${obj.network.name}" => obj}
name = each.value.network.name
resource_group_name = each.value.group.name
location = each.value.group.location
address_space = each.value.network.address_space