I am using anychart for my UI. My Data timelines are in epoch milliseconds. While arranging them to have a Gantt chart, I see the right side is getting trimmed. Kindly help.
<script type="text/javascript">
anychart.onDocumentReady(function () {
var data = [
id: "1_1",
name: "Analysis",
actualStart: new Date(1664849423000),
actualEnd: new Date(1664849745000),
progressValue: "100%"
id: "1_2",
name: "Design",
actualStart: new Date(1664767925000),
actualEnd: new Date(1664769005000)
// create a chart
var chart = anychart.ganttProject();
// set the data
chart.data(data, 'as-table');
// set the container id
// fit elements to the width of the timeline
JsFiddle Link: Sample Gantt Chart
You could fix that if you give your xScale
a maximum with this line of code before calling chart.draw()
chart.xScale().maximum(Date.UTC(2022, 9, 5));
Here is your snippet without any modification, except this little addition:
anychart.onDocumentReady(function () {
var data = [
id: "1_1",
name: "Analysis",
actualStart: new Date(1664849423000),
actualEnd: new Date(1664849745000),
progressValue: "100%"
id: "1_2",
name: "Design",
actualStart: new Date(1664767925000),
actualEnd: new Date(1664769005000)
id: "1_3",
name: "Meeting",
actualStart: new Date(1664849781000),
actualEnd: new Date(1664849787000)
id: "1_4",
name: "Implementation",
actualStart: new Date(1664849907000),
actualEnd: new Date(1664849918000)
id: "1_5",
name: "Testing",
actualStart: new Date(1664589005000),
actualEnd: new Date(1664589125000),
progressValue: "20%"
//var treeData = anychart.data.tree(data, "as-tree");
// create a chart
var chart = anychart.ganttProject();
// set the data
chart.data(data, 'as-table');
// set the container id
chart.xScale().maximum(Date.UTC(2022, 9, 5)); // <--- HERE
// fit elements to the width of the timeline
html, body, #container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<script src="https://cdn.anychart.com/releases/8.11.0/js/anychart-core.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.anychart.com/releases/8.11.0/js/anychart-gantt.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="container"></div>