I don't understand why i recieve this error
This code works
function handleUrls(tabId, { changeInfo }, tab) {
const isOauthTokenPage = tab.url?.match(CONFIG.OAUTH_TOKEN_PAGE_PATTERN);
if (isOauthTokenPage) {
But why i get this error?
I tried chrome.tabs.onUpdated.removeListener
before and after chrome.tabs.remove(tabId)
, tried chrome.tabs.query
to get "actual" tabId
So it's trigger more than once
To avoid it
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => {
// check url state
if (!changeInfo.url) return;
// your code...
if ((tab.url).match(CONFIG.OAUTH_TOKEN_PAGE_PATTERN)) {
// won't invoke onUpdated several times