I have a requirement where we have to call a oracle Stored Procedure which has collection type as input parameter. So my stored procedure is like:
Create or replace package test
Type t is table of varchar(400) index by binary_integer.
Procedure testprc(p_client_id in number,t_no in number,t1 in t,t2 in t);
Create or replace package body test
Procedure testprc(p_client_id in number,t_no in number,t1 in t, t2 in t)
for i in 1 ..tno loop
Insert into client
(Client_id,Client_phone,client_email) values (p_client_id,t1(i),t2(i));
End loop;
Now in the call to this stored procedure testprc.test I don't want to create a variable of type t and pass it to the stored procedure instead I want to directly pass the list of values to the SP. Something like this
Exec testprc(13,1,{1=>'22737371'},{1=>'test@abc.com'}).
Is there any way I can achieve this.
If you are on 18c or higher, you can use a qualified expression to avoid having to create a temporary variable to hold associative arrays. For example:
SQL> exec test.testprc(13,1,test.t(1=>'22737371'),test.t(1=>'test@abc.com'))
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.