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How to fix date field filter in the angular-kendo grid?

I have data in JSON format, with all fields as strings. When I display it in the grid (I use kendo grid), it treat it as string, even if I create custom date field. So if I filter by existing date, then it do not match.

Note: I tried to convert source of data from string to date, it didn't fix filtering problem.

Please see images and code below, and git hub example.

export const customers = [{
    'ContactName': 'Maria Anders',
    'DOB': '01/31/2000'
}, {
    'ContactName': 'Ana Bokov',
    'DOB': '11/23/1974'
}, {
    'ContactName': 'Antonio Moreno',

export class GridSecondComponent implements OnInit {
  public gridData: any[] = customers;

    <kendo-grid-column field="ContactName" title="Contact" [width]="120"></kendo-grid-column>
    <kendo-grid-column field="DOB" 
    title="Date Of Birth" [width]="200" 
        <ng-template kendoGridFilterCellTemplate let-filter let-column="column">

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • Per kendo-angular forum issue been in the using string instead of Date. I put a note, that I did conversion, but in my code, conversion was incorrect. When I corrected it, filter started to work. Array conversion below.

    interface ICustomer{
        ContactName: string;
        DOB?: Date;
    export const customerObjs =
            ContactName: x.ContactName,
            DOB: x.DOB ? new Date(x.DOB) : undefined

    enter image description here

    Some related docs are here:
    How to convert TypeScript array to generic array of class