I dynamically create a number of rows in a table. Each row has seven columns with the same controls in each columns. 1st column is a toggle meant to disable the textboxes or dropdowns in the other six columns. How can I dynamically create the event listeners and their respective functions to give each toggle their intended behaviour?
const toggles = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle');
toggles.forEach(toggle => {
toggle.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
const toggleRow = event.target.closest('tr');
const textboxes = toggleRow.querySelectorAll('.textbox');
const dropdowns = toggleRow.querySelectorAll('.dropdown');
if (toggle.checked) {
textboxes.forEach(textbox => textbox.setAttribute('disabled', true));
dropdowns.forEach(dropdown => dropdown.setAttribute('disabled', true));
} else {
textboxes.forEach(textbox => textbox.removeAttribute('disabled'));
dropdowns.forEach(dropdown => dropdown.removeAttribute('disabled'));
hope you will get an idea about the code...