I've been trying to make an API that automates a detector for new transaction emails in my Gmail Account, and now it detects all the emails coming from my bank that are related to a transaction send to myself, but it prints the whole email (which contains the money expressed like this "$" in a certain point of the email), and I want it that the script detects the money amount and then prints a string with it like this for example
print("Transaction Recieved"," $" ,moneyAmount,"!")
The Messages Filter part of the script
#Messages Filter
message_count = 50
for message in messages[:message_count]:
msg = service.users().messages().get(userId='me', id=message['id']).execute()
email = (msg['snippet'])
if "Datos de la transferencia que recibiste Monto $" in email:
service.users().messages().modify(userId='me', id=message['id'], body={'removeLabelIds': ['UNREAD']}).execute()
And I can't figure how to make it so it detects the money amount that is expressed inside the bank's email.
I tried to do an attempt of making it to detect a string pattern of a value of 1 digit that could go from 1 to 9 followed by a "." and after that a value of 3 digits that could go from 001 to 999 and then print the whole value, but it didn't work so I'm out of ideas.
Here's my attempt of making it
#Messages Filter
message_count = 50
for message in messages[:message_count]:
msg = service.users().messages().get(userId='me', id=message['id']).execute()
email = (msg['snippet'])
if "Datos de la transferencia que recibiste Monto $" in email:
value = re.findall(r'$\d{1}.\d{3}', email)
service.users().messages().modify(userId='me', id=message['id'], body={'removeLabelIds': ['UNREAD']}).execute()
The amount of money is displayed like this in the email And this is like directly from the email
If someone with an idea could help me, I would be very grateful.
P.S.:Btw if you see something that you don't understand because of the language, it's because it's in Spanish, but it's mostly in strings so it shouldn't be a problem.
I had to replace the string pattern that I was using for the re and it ended like this
re.findall(r'\$\d+(?:.\d{3})+(?:,\d+)?', email)
Insted of this
re.findall(r'$\d{1}.\d{3}', email)
Thanks to @Grismar for the answer