I am learning about linked server in sql server and I linked the oracle database in sqlserver and ran a query successfully against the oracle linked database as below:
FROM OPENQUERY(DB_ORCL,'select Name, ID from OdataLink.patients')
I have a table in sql server as well that I want to use that data in a where clause of OPENQUERY above but do not know how. Here is the query:
Select ID from PatientTable
so based on the above sql queries, I want something like this:
FROM OPENQUERY(DB_ORCL,'select Name, ID from OdataLink.patients')
where "--ID in OPENQUERY above" IN (Select ID from PatientTable)
FROM OPENQUERY(DB_ORCL,'select Name, ID from OdataLink.patients where ID in (--Select ID from PatientTable)')
I tested the resolution Stu provided and it almost worked but I cannot call the column field in openquery within the external where clause
Try an exists correlation
select *
from OpenQuery(DB_ORCL,'select Name, ID from OdataLink.patients') q
where exists (
select * from dbo.PatientTable p
where p.Id = q.Id