The data in the table events with column attributes
is in json and looks like this -
So the context is that i want to show the events with volunteertypeid present in the attributes. There are many volunteers., this is just sample data.
I've been using the query below
FROM `events`
WHERE `zoneid` = 27
AND `isactive` = 1
AND JSON_CONTAINS(`attributes` -> '$.event_volunteer_requests[*].volunteertypeid', '249');
I just can't make this work and i've scorched the internet for hours. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Your JSON structure uses object syntax ({"key": "value"}
), but you seem to want to use it as a JSON array (["value", "value", ...]
The [*]
syntax in JSON paths works for JSON arrays, not for JSON objects.
If your JSON document must be nested object syntax:
"event_volunteer_requests": {
"1": {
"cc_email": "",
"volunteertypeid": 250,
"volunteer_needed_count": 50
"2": {
"cc_email": "",
"volunteertypeid": 249,
"volunteer_needed_count": 30
Then you can do what you want this way:
SELECT, t.volunteertypeid
SELECT, JSON_EXTRACT(a.attributes, CONCAT('$.event_volunteer_requests."',, '".volunteertypeid')) AS volunteertypeid
FROM (SELECT '{"event_volunteer_requests":{"1":{"volunteertypeid":250,"volunteer_needed_count":50,"cc_email":""},"2":{"volunteertypeid":249,"volunteer_needed_count":30,"cc_email":""}}}' as attributes) AS a
CROSS JOIN JSON_TABLE(JSON_KEYS(a.attributes, '$.event_volunteer_requests'), '$[*]' COLUMNS (id INT PATH '$')) AS j
) AS t
WHERE t.volunteertypeid = 249;
| id | volunteertypeid |
| 2 | 249 |
The JSON_TABLE() function requires MySQL 8.0. If you use MySQL 5.7, you must upgrade.