I would like to visualize the amount of laps a certain go-kart has driven within a pie chart. To achive this i would like to count the amount of laptime groupedby kartnumber. I found there are two ways to create such a pie chart:
df.groupby(['KartNumber']).count().plot(kind='pie', y='Laptime')
HeatNumber NumberOfKarts KartNumber DriverName Laptime
0 334 11 5 Monique 53.862
1 334 11 5 Monique 59.070
2 334 11 5 Monique 47.832
3 334 11 5 Monique 47.213
4 334 11 5 Monique 51.975
... ... ... ... ... ...
4053 437 2 20 luuk 39.678
4054 437 2 20 luuk 39.872
4055 437 2 20 luuk 39.454
4056 437 2 20 luuk 39.575
4057 437 2 20 luuk 39.648
Output not with plot:
1 203
10 277
11 133
12 244
13 194
14 172
15 203
16 134
17 253
18 247
19 240
2 218
20 288
21 14
4 190
5 314
6 54
60 55
61 9
62 70
63 65
64 29
65 53
66 76
67 42
68 28
69 32
8 49
9 159
None 13
As you can see i have the kartnumbers and count of laptimes. But i would like to show the count of laptimes within the pie chart(or legend). I tried using autopct but couldnt get it working properly. Does anyone knows how to achive my desired situation?
Edit: For more information on this dataset please see: How to get distinct rows from pandas dataframe?
Complete awswer:
autopct=lambda x: '{:.0f}'.format(x * (df['Laptime'].count()) / 100))