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How to melt a dataframe with tidyverse, and create a new column

I have pet survey data from 6 households. The households are split into levels (a,b).

I would like to melt the dataframe by aminal name (id.var), household (, abundance (, whilst adding a new column ("level") for the levels a&b.

My dataframe looks like this: pet abundance data

I can split it using reshape2:melt, but I don't know how to cut the a, b, from the column names and make a new column of them? Please help.

raw_data = as.dataframe(raw_data)

     id.variable = 'Animal', = 'Site', = 'Abundance')


  • Having a go on some simulated data, pivot_longer is your best bet:

    df <- tibble(
      Animal = c("dog", "cat", "fish", "horse"),
      `1a` = sample(1:10, 4),
      `1b` = sample(1:10, 4),
      `2a` = sample(1:10, 4),
      `2b` = sample(1:10, 4),
      `3a` = sample(1:10, 4),
      `3b` = sample(1:10, 4)
    df |>
        names_to = c("Site", "level"),
        values_to = "Abundance",
        names_pattern = "(.)(.)"
      ) |> 
      arrange(Site, level)
    #> # A tibble: 24 × 4
    #>    Animal Site  level Abundance
    #>    <chr>  <chr> <chr>     <int>
    #>  1 dog    1     a             9
    #>  2 cat    1     a             5
    #>  3 fish   1     a             8
    #>  4 horse  1     a             6
    #>  5 dog    1     b             4
    #>  6 cat    1     b             2
    #>  7 fish   1     b             8
    #>  8 horse  1     b            10
    #>  9 dog    2     a             8
    #> 10 cat    2     a             3
    #> # … with 14 more rows