I am trying to write to a .csv file in an azure container using a notebook in my Synapse workspace. I can read a test file I have placed there:
However, when I try to write to exactly the same path (with a changed filename) I get the error "HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: The specified blob does not exist."
The path I am using is: https://{ACCOUNTNAME}.blob.core.windows.net/{CONTAINER}/{FOLDER}/{FILENAME}.csv
Please follow the storage account syntax : abfss://<container_name>@<storage_account>.dfs.core.windows.net/<folder_name>
I reproduce the same in the environment got this output.
Writing CSV files from ADLS.
#write csv file
import pandas
df1 = pandas.DataFrame(
'Name':['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
'ID':[90, 80, 95, 20]