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How to use jovial_svg with assets

I was using jovial_svg library for fetching svg from internet because my svg files looks corrupted with flutter_svg library. Now I want to use jovial_svg library for my files which are in my assets folder.

I tried


but i didn't make it.


  • You can do like this

          si: ScalableImageSource.fromSvg(
            MySVG(imagePath: image.svg),
            compact: true,
    class MySVG extends AssetBundle {
      final String imagePath;
      MySVG({required this.imagePath});
      Future<ByteData> load(String key) async {
        // TODO: implement load
        return await rootBundle.load(imagePath);
      Future<T> loadStructuredData<T>(
          String key, Future<T> Function(String value) parser) {
        // TODO: implement loadStructuredData
        throw UnimplementedError();