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Python resample to only keep every 5th day by group

I have a dataframe, consisting of daily stock observations, date and PERMNO (Identifier). I want to resample the dataframe to only consist of observations for every 5th trading day for every stock. The dataframe looks something like the below:

[10610 rows x 3 columns]
     PERMNO       date       RET      gret     cumret_5d
0   10001.0 2010-01-04 -0.004856  0.995144           NaN
1   10001.0 2010-01-05 -0.005856  0.994144           NaN
2   10001.0 2010-01-06  0.011780  1.011780           NaN
3   10001.0 2010-01-07 -0.033940  0.966060           NaN
4   10001.0 2010-01-08  0.038150  1.038150  3.888603e-03
5   10001.0 2010-01-11  0.015470  1.015470  2.439321e-02
6   10001.0 2010-01-12 -0.004760  0.995240  2.552256e-02
7   10001.0 2010-01-13 -0.003350  0.996650  1.018706e-02
8   10001.0 2010-01-14 -0.001928  0.998072  4.366128e-02
9   10001.0 2010-01-15 -0.007730  0.992270 -2.462285e-03
10  10002.0 2010-01-05 -0.011690  0.988310           NaN
11  10002.0 2010-01-06  0.011826  1.011826           NaN
12  10002.0 2010-01-07 -0.021420  0.978580           NaN
13  10002.0 2010-01-08  0.004974  1.004974           NaN
14  10002.0 2010-01-11 -0.023760  0.976240 -3.992141e-02
15  10002.0 2010-01-12  0.002028  1.002028 -2.659527e-02
16  10002.0 2010-01-13  0.009780  1.009780 -2.856358e-02
17  10002.0 2010-01-14  0.017380  1.017380  9.953183e-03
18  10002.0 2010-01-15 -0.008865  0.991135 -3.954383e-03
19  10002.0 2010-02-18 -0.006958  0.993042  1.318849e-02

The result I want to produce is:

[10610 rows x 3 columns]
     PERMNO       date       RET      gret     cumret_5d
4   10001.0 2010-01-08  0.038150  1.038150  3.888603e-03
9   10001.0 2010-01-15 -0.007730  0.992270 -2.462285e-03
13  10002.0 2010-01-08  0.004974  1.004974           NaN
18  10002.0 2010-01-15 -0.008865  0.991135 -3.954383e-03

I.e I want to keep observations for dates (2010-01-08), (2010-01-15), (2010-01-22)... continuing up until today. The problem is that not every stock contains the same dates (some may have its first trading day in the middle of a month). Further, every 5th trading day is not continuously every 7th day due to holidays.

I have tried using

crsp_daily = crsp_daily.groupby('PERMNO').resample('5D',on='date')

Which just resulted in an empty dataframe:

DatetimeIndexResamplerGroupby [freq=<Day>, axis=0, closed=left, label=left, convention=e, origin=start_day]

Any ideas on how to solve this problem?


  • For future reference, I solved it by:

    def remove_nonrebalancing_dates(df,gap):
        count = pd.DataFrame(df.set_index('date').groupby('date'), columns=['date', 'tmp']).reset_index()
        del count['tmp']
        count['index'] = count['index'] + 1
        count = count[(count['index'].isin(range(gap, len(count['index']) + 1, gap)))]
        df = df[(df['date'].isin(count['date']))]
        return df

    dataframe with containing only every 5th trading day can then be defined as:

    df = remove_nonrebalancing_dates(df,5)