I have such a column attributes
"a:value": "123",
"a:origin": "abc"
I want to create a new attribute which should look like this:
"abcKey:value": {
"value": "123ABC",
"version": "1"
So, in the end attributes should look like this:
"a:value": "123",
"a:origin": "abc",
"abcKey:value": {
"value": "123ABC",
"version": "1"
How can I do this?
I tried this
update my_table
set attributes = jsonb_set(attributes, '{abcKey:value,value}', '"123ABC"')
attributes = jsonb_set(attributes, '{abcKey:value,version}', '"1"')
where ...;
But this does not work because I think, I have to create the new attribute at first. How can I create and update this new attribute (maybe in one step)?
Thank you very much!
I wrote two samples for you:
-- if you have same objects are json
with tb as (
"a:value": "123",
"a:origin": "abc"
}'::jsonb a1,
'{"abcKey:value": {
"value": "123ABC",
"version": "1"
}}'::jsonb a2
select a1, a2, a1||a2 from tb; -- you can concate json objects
-- if you can create json objects via using key value
with tb as (
"a:value": "123",
"a:origin": "abc"
}'::jsonb a1
select a1 || jsonb_build_object('abcKey:value', jsonb_build_object('value', '123ABC', 'version', 1)) from tb;