I need to load a select choice-js with a list of countries and display the flag images. After making the Ajax request, I get a json (result.countries) and I don't know how to load the properties inside the custom html tags. Does anyone know how to help me?
Asp.Net core Razor - Class
public class ImageOptionViewModel
public string Id { get; set; } //1
public string Value { get; set; } //1
public string Label { get; set; } //Brazil
public string imageUrl { get; set; } //~/img/brasil.svg
Asp.net Core - Action
public JsonResult GetPaisesComImagens()
var paises = _paisAppService.GetAllBy(null, null).Select(x => new ImageOptionViewModel
Id = x.Id.ToString(),
Label = x.NomePtBr,
Value = x.Id.ToString(),
imageUrl = x.ImagemBandeiraURL
return Json(new { success = true, paises });
Asp.net Core - CSHTML
<select class="form-control enderecamento-postal-sel-pais" asp-for="PaisId"></select>
url: "/pais-gerenciar/obter-lista-paises-com-imagens",
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (result) {
if (typeof result.success !== 'undefined') {
if (!result.success) {
title: 'Ops...',
text: result.message,
icon: 'error',
customClass: {
confirmButton: 'btn btn-primary w-xs'
buttonsStyling: false,
allowOutsideClick: false
return false;
let selPais = $(genericModalOrBodyInstance).find('.enderecamento-postal-sel-pais')[0];
new Choices(selPais, {
allowHTML: true,
placeholder: true,
renderChoiceLimit: -1,
position: 'auto',
resetScrollPosition: true,
searchEnabled: true,
loadingText: 'Carregando...',
noResultsText: 'Nenhum resultado encontrado',
noChoicesText: 'Sem opções para escolher',
itemSelectText: 'Clique para selecionar',
callbackOnCreateTemplates: function (template) {
let classNames = this.config.classNames;
let itemSelectText = this.config.itemSelectText;
return {
choice: function (classNames, data) {
return template(`<div class="${String(classNames.item)} ${String(classNames.itemChoice)} ${String(data.disabled ? classNames.itemDisabled : classNames.itemSelectable)}"
data-choice ${String(data.disabled ? 'data-choice-disabled aria-disabled=true' : 'data-choice-selectable')}
${String(data.groupId > 0 ? 'role="treeitem"' : 'role="option"')}>
<img src="${String(data)}" alt="">
return true;
error: function (e) {
return false;
Do you mean to dynamically generate option
in select
according to the results returned by ajax
requests? You can use the setValue
property of choices.js.
For example, my ajax request returns an ImageOptionViewModel
public JsonResult GetPaisesComImagens()
var paises = new ImageOptionViewModel()
Id = "1",
Label = "TestLabel",
Value = "1",
imageUrl = "/img/img1.jpg"
return Json(new { success = true, paises });
My ajax request:
url: "/Home/GetPaisesComImagens",
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (result) {
var myDynamicItems =
value: result.paises.value,
label: '<img src=' + result.paises.imageUrl + '>' + result.paises.label,
id: result.paises.id
var start = new Choices(document.querySelector('.enderecamento-postal-sel-pais'), {
allowHTML: true,
placeholder: true,
renderChoiceLimit: -1,
position: 'auto',
resetScrollPosition: true,
searchEnabled: true,
loadingText: 'Carregando...',
noResultsText: 'Nenhum resultado encontrado',
noChoicesText: 'Sem opções para escolher',
itemSelectText: 'Clique para selecionar',
callbackOnCreateTemplates: function (template) {
let classNames = this.config.classNames;
let itemSelectText = this.config.itemSelectText;
return {
choice: function (classNames, data) {
return template(`<div class="${String(classNames.item)} ${String(classNames.itemChoice)} ${String(data.disabled ? classNames.itemDisabled : classNames.itemSelectable)}"
data-choice ${String(data.disabled ? 'data-choice-disabled aria-disabled=true' : 'data-choice-selectable')}
${String(data.groupId > 0 ? 'role="treeitem"' : 'role="option"')}>
return true;
error: function (e) {