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How to change number of workers and threads in running process for gunicorn

I want to test performance of WEB service that running inside AWS ECS service depending on number of gunicorn workers.

Entrypoint of the container is:


gunicorn \
  --reload \
  --workers "${WORKERS}" \
  --threads "${THREADS}" \
  --max-requests 10000 \
  --max-requests-jitter 200 \
  --timeout 60 \
  --access-logfile - \
  --error-logfile - \
  --bind \

The problem:

If I want to change number of workers / threads I have to stop gunicorn → update ECS Task definition (set new number of WORKERS and THREADS) → restart ECS container. It takes too much time if I want to test tens of configurations.

Possible workaround:

It is possible to set mock endless entrypoint like watch -n 1000 "ls -l" and login to ECS container with bash and run gunicorn with desired parameters manually. But it is little bit inconvenient and suppose to create test specific environment. So, I want to avoid this method.

The question:

Is it possible to change number of workers and threads of already running gunicorn instance? To be able test different configurations without rerunning container and stopping its entrypoint process.


  • You could use config file and reload the config by sending HUP signal to the gunicorn master process. See: reload configuration

    Here is a simple example:

    # Dockerfile
    FROM python:3.9-slim
    COPY . /app
    RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r /app/requirements.txt
    WORKDIR /app
    ENTRYPOINT ["gunicorn",  "app:app"]
    # tree ./
    ├── Dockerfile
    └── requirements.txt
    # cat
    workers = 2
    threads = 2
    loglevel = 'debug'
    errorlog = '-'
    accesslog = '-'
    pidfile = '/var/run/'
    # reload the configuration by
    kill -HUP $(cat /var/run/