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Replace value in column by previous value having pattern

Let's say we have data frame x defined as

x <- data.frame(a = c('Start : 20220101', '1', '1', '1', 'Start : 20220102', '2', '2', 'Start : 20220103', '3', '3'),
           b = c(NA, 200, 200, 200, NA, 200, 200, NA, 200, 200),
           c = c(NA, 1, 3, 5, NA, 2, 4, NA, 3, 5))

                  a   b  c
1  Start : 20220101  NA NA
2                 1 200  1
3                 1 200  3
4                 1 200  5
5  Start : 20220102  NA NA
6                 2 200  2
7                 2 200  4
8  Start : 20220103  NA NA
9                 3 200  3
10                3 200  5

I need to replace column a's value by previous Start : ...'s ... which indicates it's full date.

My desired output might make by problem more clear.

         a     b     c
1 20220101   200     1
2 20220101   200     3
3 20220101   200     5
4 20220102   200     2
5 20220102   200     4
6 20220103   200     3
7 20220103   200     5

Data x always have patern with Start : YMD and D follows.

Original x have more than 10^8 rows, so I think it need to be very efficient.

Any help would be grateful.

What I tried is


x %>%
  mutate(d = floor((rleid(a)+1)/2))  %>%
  group_by(d) %>%
  mutate(a = first(parse_number(a))) %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  ungroup %>%


  • Here is one data.table solution with zoo::na.locf to fill NA values.

    #Change all the a values to NA except the ones that start with "Start"
    x[, a := replace(a, !grepl('^Start', a), NA)]
    #Remove "Start" from a so only the date remains. 
    x[, a := sub('Start\\s*:\\s*', '', a)]
    #Replace NA with latest non-NA values.
    #          a   b c
    #1: 20220101 200 1
    #2: 20220101 200 3
    #3: 20220102 200 3
    #4: 20220102 200 2
    #5: 20220102 200 4
    #6: 20220103 200 4
    #7: 20220103 200 3

    A tidyverse solution for the same would be -

    x %>%
      mutate(a = replace(a, !grepl('^Start', a), NA)) %>%
      fill(everything(), .direction = "downup") %>%
      mutate(a = sub('Start\\s*:\\s*', '', a))