I'm setting up a simple program to test starting a server, and I'm getting a silent failure state. My client seems to think it has sent, while my server doesn't think it's recieving. The two are managing the initial connection, it's just sending things after that where it's failing.
I've cut things down to the core of where it's currently failing I think.
Here's part of the Client code
public void Client (int port, String ip)
try {
sock = new Socket(ip, port);
System.out.println("Found the server.");
streamInput = new DataInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
// sends output to the socket
streamOutput = new DataOutputStream(
streamOutput.writeChars("Client Begining Conversation");
catch (UnknownHostException u) {
catch (IOException i) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// create the frame
try {
ClientGui main = new ClientGui();
} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
Here's server code.
public Server(int port) throws Exception
ServerSocket gameServer = new ServerSocket(port);
Socket gameSocket = gameServer.accept();
System.out.println("Client has connected");
// to send data to the client
PrintStream dataOutput
= new PrintStream(gameSocket.getOutputStream());
// to read data coming from the client
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(
//play logic
public void Play(BufferedReader reader, PrintStream dataOutput) throws Exception
String received, textSent;
System.out.println("Waiting for response.");
received = reader.readLine();
System.out.println("Client has responded");
//contenue until 'Exit' is sent
while (received != "Exit" || received != "exit") {
textSent = received + "recieved";
// send to client
My client gets to here -
Found the server.
and my server gets to here -
Trying to start server.
Client has connected
Waiting for response.
At which point, it just hangs forever, each side waiting for the other. It doesn't throw an error, it just... waits until I force it closed.
So it appears that I'm either doing something wrong when I send with "streamOutput.writeChars" in my client, or I'm doing something wrong when I receive with my server with "reader.readLine();", but I can't figure out what.
Or I could be doing something more fundamentally wrong.
The problem is that reader.readLine()
doesn’t return until it sees a new line character, but streamOutput.writeChars("Client Begining Conversation")
doesn’t send one.
More generally, mixing a DataOutputStream
on the client with a BufferedReader
on the server won’t work reliably, as the latter expects plain text, while the former produces formatted binary data. For example, the character encoding might not match. The same applies to communication in the opposite direction with PrintStream
and DataInputStream
. It’s best to pick either a text based or binary protocol and then be consistent about the pair of classes used on both the client and server.
In the case of a text protocol, an explicit character encoding should be defined, as the default can vary between platforms. As a learning exercise, it might not matter, but it’s a good practice to be explicit about specifying a character encoding whenever handling networked communication. UTF-8 is a good choice unless there’s a specific reason to use another one.
In addition, it is generally preferred to use PrintWriter
instead of PrintStream
for text output in new code. Read this answer for an explanation.