I have 2 lists
the_nested_list=[[31.753, 68.245, 0.002, 3.791, 50.723], [28.753, 71.245, 0.002, 3.977, 53.169], [27.622, 72.376, 0.002, 4.032, 52.682]]
and a=[a,b,c]
I want to populate a treeview with 3 rows. in each row, the 1st column should be a
and b
and c
. To get a table looks like this
How do I achieve this in tkinter?
I have tried datas = np.append(a,the_nested_list)
and tree.insert('', tk.END, values=(datas.tolist()))
but it's not correctly displaying the values inside the treeview.
this might be easier to understand.
# Your data
the_nested_list=[[31.753, 68.245, 0.002, 3.791, 50.723],
[28.753, 71.245, 0.002, 3.977, 53.169],
[27.622, 72.376, 0.002, 4.032, 52.682]]
rows =['a','b','c']
# adding data to the treeview
for contact,r in zip(the_nested_list,rows):
tree.insert('', tk.END, values=list(r)+contact)