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Using method from base class as final

I have a service class which later will be used for storing multiple implementations in one container to call Process on all of them

struct Service
    virtual ~Service();
    virtual void Process() = 0;

There are two services which share common logic, so instead of copying code i've created common base class which i forbid to create manually by making constructor protected

struct CommonServiceLogic : Service
    void Process() final override {
        /*do smth common*/
    virtual void ProcessImpl();

Now i can define my services next way

struct EasyService : CommonServiceLogic {
    using CommonServiceLogic::ProcessImpl;

struct ComplicatedService : CommonServiceLogic {
    void ProcessImpl() final override {
        /*do smth special*/


  1. Can i somehow mark EasyService::ProcessImpl as final? I can do it by redefining a method, but is there some language way?

Reason for marking this method as final is pretty simple: i want to show (to compiler or to next programmer) that this override is the last one. using allows to create a child from EasyService with redefinition of ProcessImpl.

Note that i cannot finalize ComplicatedService and EasyService for reasons which is hard to explain

  1. Is there even reason to do it from a compiler point of view? Service::Process will be called in the place which does not know about EasyService nor ComplicatedService


  • If I understand your question, then you are asking whether you can apply final to a function from the superclass that was imported using using. This does not seem to be possible unless you redefine the virtual function in EasyService, so your fix seems like the correct option.