First, thank you for take your time reading my question!
The problem is that when I try to start my system, the repl can't find some files, but if I go and load manually, each of this file's dependencies one by one before it, the file loads perfectly.
The commands I'm trying to execute:
Getting this error:
:via [{:type clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException,
:message "Syntax error compiling at (purchase_listinator/adapters/db/purchase_category.clj:1:1).",
:data #:clojure.error{:phase :compile-syntax-check,
:line 1,
:column 1,
:source "purchase_listinator/adapters/db/purchase_category.clj"}
I also tried this one:
(do (require '[com.stuartsierra.component.repl :as crepl])
(require 'purchase-listinator.core)
Getting this error:
Syntax error compiling at (purchase_listinator\core.clj:1:1).
namespace 'purchase-listinator.components.pedestal' not found after loading '/purchase_listinator/components/pedestal'
Repository at the moment of this error for future reference
I have no idea what is happening, actually, I've been working on this project for many time and it was working well until this week.
I tried to research, but I had no success, it should be a simple thing that I'm missing, but I can't see it. I would be glad if you help me with this. Thank you so much in advance :)
First, the problem is not related to the repository itself.
I have no idea what is happening, but I just clone the repository in another folder and I tried to start the system again, and guess what? It worked...
Probably there is a strange thing happening in my local folder, but I don't know what :/
Thank you so much!