I'm developing a code analysis tool for Python program.
I'm using introspection techniques to navigate into program structure.
Recently, I tested my tool on big packages like tkinter and matplotlib. It worked well.
But I found an oddity when analyzing numpy.
import numpy,inspect
for elem in inspect.getmembers( numpy, inspect.isclass)
print( elem)
print( 'Tester' in dir( numpy))
print( numpy.__dict__['Tester'])
('Tester', <class 'numpy.testing._private.nosetester.NoseTester'>),
KeyError: 'Tester'
getmembers() and dir() agree that there is a 'Tester' class but it is not in __dict__
dictionary. I dug a little further:
1 >>> import numpy,inspect
2 >>> d1 = inspect.getmembers( numpy)
3 >>> d2 = dir( numpy)
4 >>> d3 = numpy.__dict__.keys()
5 >>> len(d1),len(d2),len(d3)
6 (602, 602, 601)
7 >>> set([d[0] for d in d1]) - set(d3)
8 {'Tester'}
9 numpy.Tester
10 <class 'numpy.testing._private.nosetester.NoseTester'>
11 >>>
getmembers() and dir() agree but __dict__
do not. Line 8 shows that 'Tester' is not in __dict__
This bring questions:
I'm using Python 3.9.2 and numpy 1.23.5
I believe inspect.getmembers relies on dir of an object for the keys, and getattr for the values, and dir for the numpy class is overridden to:
def __dir__():
return list(globals().keys() | {'Tester', 'testing'})
with the getattr overridden specifically in regard to the above to:
if attr == 'testing':
import numpy.testing as testing
return testing
elif attr == 'Tester':
from .testing import Tester
so dir will return a "Tester", and getattr will find and return a corresponding object, but it's not in the __dict__.
This is the reasoning they use is to allow for a lazy import:
# Importing Tester requires importing all of UnitTest which is not a
# cheap import Since it is mainly used in test suits, we lazy import it
# here to save on the order of 10 ms of import time for most users
# The previous way Tester was imported also had a side effect of adding
# the full `numpy.testing` namespace
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import inspect
>>> np.__dir__ = lambda: ["poly"]
>>> dir(np)
>>> inspect.getmembers(np)
[('poly', <function poly at 0x101fd8280>)]
if you override getattr as well, then you can create that "hidden" attribute:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import inspect
>>> np.__dir__ = lambda: ["this_doesnt_exist","poly"]
>>> "this_doesnt_exist" in np.__dict__
>>> "poly" in np.__dict__
>>> inspect.getmembers(np) # this_doesnt_exist neither in dict, or successfully returned from getattr
[('poly', <function poly at 0x105ccc280>)]
>>> np.__getattr__ = lambda x: f"{x} doesnt exist, but my getattr pretends it does."
>>> inspect.getmembers(np)
[('poly', <function poly at 0x105ccc280>), ('this_doesnt_exist', 'this_doesnt_exist doesnt exist, but my getattr pretends it does.')]