I need to be able to do the subtraction between the bigger and smaller positive number in ColumnB that have ColumnA=1,ColumnC=0. (I wrote them between ** to make it clearer) I have something like this in my csv file but I have a lot more rows.
| Column A | Column B || Column C | Column D |
| -------- | -------- || -------- | -------- |
| 1 | -99 || 0 | 0.4567 |
| 1 | -99 || 0 | 0.5678 |
| 1 | 60 || 40 | 0.123 |
| 1 | 67 || 60 | 0.2894 |
| 1 | **69** || 0 | 0.3983 |
| 1 | 70 || 0 | 0.3983 |
| 1 | **71** || 0 | 0.3983 |
| 2 | -30 || 0 | 0.3983 |
| 2 | -40 || 20 | 0.3983 |
| 2 | 45 || 30 | 0.3983 |
| 2 | 46 || 40 | 0.3983 |
I tried to create a new column like this but I don't have to do the mean I need to subtract the max with the min.
for u in range(1, 19):
ColumnZ = df.query(f'ColumnB >0 & ColumnC == 0 & ColumnA == {u}')['ColumnB'].mean()
test.loc[rowIndex, 'ColumnZ'] = ColumnZ
cat subtract.csv
Column A,Column B,Column C,Column D
import csv
with open('subtract.csv', 'r', newline='') as csv_file:
dReader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
number_list = []
for row in dReader:
if int(row['Column A']) == 1 and int(row['Column C']) == 0 and int(row['Column B']) >= 0:
number_list.append(int(row['Column B']) )
new_val = max(number_list) - min(number_list)