I have few problems with Django models (relations mostly), but I'll start from code than make desciption and put questions...
Django models and relations in short (very simplified) version:
# Shorten version of services
("TC", "Tires Cleaning"),
("EC", "Exterior Cleaning"),
("IC", "Interior Cleaning"),
("CW", "Cleaning & Washing - full service"),
("WX", "Application of wax"),
class Client(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=35)
surname = models.CharField(max_length=35)
car = models.CharField(max_length=25)
class SingleService(models.Model):
service_name = models.CharField(max_length=35)
service_type = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=SERVICES, default="CW")
price = models.IntegerField()
class SetOfServices(models.Model):
set_of_services = ????
price_of_set = ???
class Purchase(models.Model):
client = OneToOneField(client)
order = models.ForeignKey(SetOfServices, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True)
price = ???
I want to make small project (Car Wash) with 8+ django models. Client is coming to car wash and I want to store its name/ surname and car make/model/type etc in DB for future refference (clients coming back will get discount and free coffee). Then I have SingleService model with about 20-30 services - they have different name and price because of diferernt tasks / time to make and options / extra features. SetOfServices model must consist of few single services (custom, but customized from Django admin panel, probably only once, at setup / configuration time). So it must be set of few services (I don't want client to buy only one / single service!), like:
Example SET 1: Tires cleaning + Interior cleaning
Example SET 2: Exterior cleaning + Application of wax
....and so on. I want to join few services in one set of services client can buy (with some discount - for example).
The last model (from above code, I plan to expand this project) is Purchase where Client orders one SetOfServices and pay some money. The problems I encountered is choosing right relation for set_of_services field and how to calculate overall price of this set (price_of_set field). Should I use ForeignKey (One to Many) relation in set_of_service field?
How to divide Django models (when project expands) into few tables in database (I am using PostgreSQL)? Could you give me refference or example code for it? I know we use db_table in Meta description of models, but how the relations change??
The question you want to ask yourself is:
contain multiple SingleService
s --> YESSingleService
show up in multiple different SetOfServices
? --> YESIf your result to these questions is two times YES the relationship is a many-to-many.
class SetOfServices(models.Model):
set_of_services = models.ManyToManyField(SingleService)
# price_of_set --> does this really need to be stored in database?
def price_of_set(self):
return sum([service.price for service in self.set_of_services.all()])
Now you want to ask yourself:
allow buying multiple SetOfServices
(this is dependent on your choice)? --> NOSetOfServices
bought by multiple Purchase
s? --> YESYES YES --> ManyToMany
NO YES --> OneToMany --> ForeignKey
class Purchase(models.Model):
client = OneToOneField(client)
order = models.ForeignKey(SetOfServices, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True)
# same advice as above for price = ???
def price(self):
return self.order.price_of_set
To be honest I feel like your setup of models is already kinda stable. I can't tell you how to divide models at runtime of a project. I've never done it.
Let me know how it goes!
Depending on your "staring point" you can access the price
inside of your templates. Here some examples:
<h1>Object = Purchase</h1>
{{ object.price }}
<h1>Object = SetOfServices</h1>
{{ object.price_of_set }}
<h1>Object = SingleService</h1>
{{ object.price }}