have a problem I can't solve directly using Snowflake docs:
I have a strings like 'abc\def'
need to split it to 'abc', 'def'
tried: split_to_table('abc\def', '\\') - error
strtok_to_array('abc\def', '\\') ==> [ "abcdef" ]
also, I've tried to replace it to better delimiter prior the split
replace('abc\cde','\\','_another_symbol_'); ==> abccde REGEXP_REPLACE('abc\cde','$$\$$','_another_symbol_') ==> abccde_another_symbol
but it doesn't work
any idea how to solve that?
If you just use SPLIT it will split the values into an array which you can then process however you want e.g.
with dataset as (
select $1 as col1 from
select col1, split(col1,'\\')
from dataset
COL1 | SPLIT(COL1,'\') |
abc\def | [ "abc", "def" ] |
ghi\jkl | [ "ghi", "jkl" ] |