In Android wear TileService we have to use LayoutElementBuilders.Text
for displaying Text. In xml we can use autoSizeTextType
for TextView.
How can i apply this property in LayoutElementBuilders.Text
for wear TileService
I didn't find any method in the Builder.
Here i am sharing my solution to solve my problem.
Requirement was not to change font size when user change display font size from setting.
For fixed size i have to use font size in dp
in dimen
file like 20dp
In DimensionBuilders.SpProp.Builder
class method setValue
expect value in sp
In LayoutElementBuilders.FontStyle.Builder
class method setSize
expect SpProp
So i have to calculate a scale factor and multiply with dp value.
fun getScaleFactorForDp(context: Context) : Float {
return (1.0f/context.resources.configuration.fontScale)
fun getSpProp(context: Context, @DimenRes dimensionId: Int, scaleFactor : Float = 1f): DimensionBuilders.SpProp {
val spValue = (context.resources.getDimension(dimensionId) / context.resources.displayMetrics.density) * scaleFactor
return DimensionBuilders.SpProp.Builder()
val scaleFactor = getScaleFactorForDp(context)
.setSize(getSpProp(context, R.dimen.text_size,scaleFactor))