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Json encode an entire mysql result set

I want to get json with php encode function like the following

  require "../classes/database.php";

  $database = new database();
  header("content-type: application/json");
  $result = $database->get_by_name($_POST['q']);   //$_POST['searchValue']

  echo '{"results":[';
     $i = 1;
     while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
        if(count($row) > 1) 
           echo json_encode(array('id'=>$i, 'name' => $row['name']));
           echo ",";
           echo json_encode(array('id'=>$i, 'name' => $row['name']));
     $value = "FALSE";
     echo json_encode(array('id'=>1, 'name' => ""));  // output the json code

  echo "]}";

i want the output json to be something like that


but the output json is look like the following


As you realize that there is comma at the end, i want to remove it so it can be right json syntax, if i removed the echo ","; when there's more than one result the json will generate like this {"results":[{"id":1,"name":"name1"}{"id":2,"name":"name2"}]} and that syntax is wrong too

Hope that everybody got what i mean here, any ideas would be appreciated


  • If I were you, I would not json_encode each individual array, but merge the arrays together and then json_encode the merged array at the end. Below is an example using 5.4's short array syntax:

    $out = [];
    while(...) {
      $out[] = [ 'id' => $i, 'name' => $row['name'] ];
    echo json_encode($out);