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how to convert unix epoch time to date string in hive

I have a log file which contains timestamp column. The timestamp is in unix epoch time format.

I want to create a partition based on a timestamp with partitions year, month and day.

So far I have done this but it is throwing an error.

PARSE ERROR cannot recognize input '(' in column type

Here is my code.

from (
      from raw_data
            MAP  ${PREFIX}raw_data.line
            USING 's3://scripts/'
            AS (timestamp STRING, name STRING)
      ) map_out
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE date_base_data_temp PARTITION(year(timestamp), month(timestamp)), day(timestamp))) 


  • Oof, that looks ugly. Try using this function in Hive:

    SELECT from_unixtime(unix_timestamp) as new_timestamp from raw_data ...

    Or if timestamp is in ms instead of seconds:

    SELECT from_unixtime(unix_timestamp DIV 1000) as new_timestamp from raw_data ...

    That converts a unix timestamp into a YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, then you can use the following functions to get the year, month, and day:

    SELECT year(new_timestamp) as year, month(new_timestamp) as month, day(new_timestamp) as day ...