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Remote call to Roxie server from Thor

Assuming that we have the end-point to a Roxie server of interest, I was wondering if it is possible to make a remote call to it from a bwr script on Thor, and get the number of nodes that Roxie server has.

The code would probably look like the following:

RoxieServerIP := 'roxie-end-point';

numNodesRoxie := someBuiltInFunctionToGetNodes(RoxieServerIP);
OUTPUT(numNodesRoxie, NAMED('numNodesRoxie'));

I looked into some of the built-in functions to get the number of nodes of a cluster that you are running a process on such as:


but I haven't seen anything where we can call out to a difference server (e.g. Roxie) and get its number of nodes.

Any help would be appreciated!



  • I chatted with the development team today and the best way to approach what you need to do is to deploy a query to the remote ROXIE that returned how many nodes it had. So in other words, built a "diagnostic" ROXIE query that embeds the nodes() function, and then call it from your other remote location.

    Hope this helps!
