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Nest JS validate data from an external API using global pipes

I am developing a Nestjs project. Here I am fetching the data from another rest API. I fetch the data from the API and store it in my database. However, I need to validate the data from the API that I got. How can I do this using class-validator?

I used global pipe in main.ts file like -

   new ValidationPipe({
      transform: true,
      whitelist: true,

I have created my DTO properly. An example DTO like the one I have created is -

export class DataDTO {
  name: string;

  age: number;

My controller code is as below -

  async getData() {
    const data: DataDTO = await fetchDataFromExternalAPI();

I got any data as the data value. No exception or error occurs here. Need some help from the experts.


  • Pipes only work on requests to your server. If you want to validate data that you retrieve from an external source, you can still use a DTO as you are, but you need to make use of class-transformer's plainToInstance to take the data and create an instance of the DTO and then use class-validator's validate to check that the instance matches what you are expecting.

    async getData() {
      cosnt data: DataDto = await fetchDataFromExternalAPI();
      const dataInstance = plainToInstance(DataDto, data);
      const validated = validate(dataInstance)
      if (validated.errors.length) {
        throw mapErrorsToErrorObject(validated.errors)
      return doTheRestOfLogic(dataInstance);