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How can I use an Excel file as test data correctly?

How can I best use an Excel file as input for an xUnit test? Note that I do not want to use the data inside the Excel, but the Excel itself.

Let's say I have a UnitTests project, where I want to place some Excel files, that I need to put in my tests:

public void Constructor_ShouldReadExcelFile()
    var mapping = new ExcelMapping("excelfiles/test1.xlsx");


but, when running that, the CurrentWorkingDirectory is set to the bin\Debug\net7.0 dir, and I need to make a relative path:

public void Constructor_ShouldReadExcelFile()
    var mapping = new ExcelMapping("../../../excelfiles/test1.xlsx");


This will work, but is this the "right" way?


  • Your solution looks fine to me.

    I often need to retrieve test data files for unit tests and generally proceed as follows. The test data are also under version control but in a different folder than the unit tests. In my unit test class, I define a relative path for the test data and make a member for the absolute path:

            const string testDataRelativePath = @"..\..\..\..\excelfiles\";
            string testDataFolderAbsolutePath;

    The relative path is relative to the project folder where the unit test dll is output.

    In the constructor of the test class I define a value for the absolute path.

    using System.IO;
    using System.Reflection;
        public class MyTestClass
            public MyTestClass()
                string projectDir = getProjectDir();
                testDataFolderAbsolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(projectDir, testDataRelativePath));
            internal static string getProjectDir()
                Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                return directoryPathNameFromAssemblyCodeBase(assembly);
            internal static string directoryPathNameFromAssemblyCodeBase(Assembly assembly)
                Uri codeBaseUrl = new Uri(assembly.CodeBase);
                string codeBasePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(codeBaseUrl.AbsolutePath);
                return Path.GetDirectoryName(codeBasePath);
            // ... Tests ...

    In the test itself, I then do something like this:

    string excelFilePath = Path.Combine(testDataFolderAbsolutePath, "test1.xlsx");

    I find that this gives better results on the plurality of systems on which the tests are running.