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swift UITapGestureRecognizer transfer doubleTap for another view

In my ViewController i have mapView - maps. In map, if user double tap, map zoom in. It is default option, i did not set it up. I add UITapGestureRecognizer, because i work with single tap. But when i double tap, work twice single tap. I don't want write method for double tap, because mapView understand it. I think that UITapGestureRecognizer must work with single tap, and don't work when double tap. My code:

let tapTap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(getObjectProperties))
tapTap.numberOfTapsRequired = 1
tapTap.delegate = self

How i can


  • you need to add the require(toFail:) method. like this uiTapGestureRecognizer1.require(toFail:uiTapGestureRecognizer2)

    here is the command in context

    uiTapGestureRecognizer2 = UITapGestureRecognizer(target:self, action:#selector(myDoubleTapGesture(_:)) )
    uiTapGestureRecognizer2.numberOfTapsRequired = 2
    uiTapGestureRecognizer2.delegate = self
    uiTapGestureRecognizer1 = UITapGestureRecognizer(target:self, action:#selector(mySingleTapGesture(_:)) )
    uiTapGestureRecognizer1.numberOfTapsRequired = 1
    uiTapGestureRecognizer1.delegate = self
    //so the *first* tap of a double doesn't trigger a single
    uiTapGestureRecognizer1.require(toFail:uiTapGestureRecognizer2) //<-- this is the line you need